Kalatog Buku Online
BAHASA ISBN 979-731-259-3, Oleh Drs. Pardiyono, 16x23 cm, 180 halaman, Cetakan II, 2006, Harga Buku Rp. 24500, What makes this book different from other English grammar books avaliable is that it is designed communicatively, to be a more effective means to acquire speaking as well as writing skills through the communicative excercises. Each exercise is always in use of language related to the daily context of situation. Thus, the acwuisition of speaking as well as writing skill is guaranteed easier!, Within thirteen chapters, this book presents you a number of grammar excercises related to the daily conversation topics done in different context of situation. Each topic is intensively enlightened and discussed, then followed by some practical dialogues and excercises related to the daily activities and events. Therefore, no other excuses for anyone to say that grammar is something difficult to learn!, The topics of this book:, Past Tense for Narration, Indirect Questions, Comparison Degrees, Present Perfect vs Past Tense, Future Tense with going to, Request with Modals, Infinitives and Gerund, Adjective and Adverbial Clause, Past, Present, Future, Elliptical Constructions, Present Perfect Continuous, Passive Expressions, Reported Speech,
Resensi Buku COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR FOCUS AND EXCERCISE FOR EASIER CONVERSATION AND BETTER ASSESSMENT dicopy dari AndiPublisher.Com Jika Anda tertarik dengan buku Communicative Grammar Focus and Excercise for Easier Conversation and Better Assessment silakan membeli di toko buku resmi terdekat, beli yang original ya... jangan yang bajakan apalagi ngopi Communicative Grammar Focus and Excercise for Easier Conversation and Better Assessment kalo dana gak cukup mending pinjem diperpustakaan buku Communicative Grammar Focus and Excercise for Easier Conversation and Better Assessment