Jumat, 12 September 2008


Kalatog Buku Online

" UNDERSTANDING&USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR 3/ED " A classic development skills text for intermediate to advanced students of english as a second or foreign language,Understanding and using English Grammar is a comprehensive reference grammar as well as a stimulating and teachable classroom text.
While kepping the same basic approach and material as in earlier editions,The third edition more fully develops communicative and interactive language-learning activities.Some of the new feature are



Prakata untuk Edisi Kedua xiii

BAB 1 Verb Tenses 1
BAB 2 Modal Auxiliaries dan Ekspresi Serupa 68
BAB 3 The Passive 120
BAB 4 Gerund dan Infinitif 150
BAB 5 Singular and Plural 197
BAB 6 Adjective Clauses 238
BAB 7 Noun Clauses 263
BAB 8 Memperlihatkan Hubungan Antargagasan-Bagian I 287
BAB 9 Memperlihatkan Hubungan Antargagasan-Bagian II 324
BAB 10 Conditional Sentences 347
LAMPIRAN I Unit Gramatika Tambahan A1
LAMPIRAN 2 Konbinasi Preposisi A24
LAMPIRAN 3 Pedoman untuk Memperbaiki Kesalahan Tulisan A29

Resensi Buku UNDERSTANDING&USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR 3/ED dicopy dari AndiPublisher.Com Jika Anda tertarik dengan buku " UNDERSTANDING&USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR 3/ED " silakan membeli di toko buku resmi terdekat, beli yg original ya jgn yg bajakan apalagi ngopi UNDERSTANDING&USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR 3/ED kalo dana gak cukup mending pinjem diperpustakaan buku UNDERSTANDING&USING ENGLISH GRAMMAR 3/ED

ISBN 9780131933057, penerbit GRAMEDIA IMPORT, pengarang "AZAR", bahasa INGGRIS, ukuran 20 x 25.5 senti meter, berat 1.10 kilo gram jumlah halaman 77 hal harga Rp 172.100,00