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"Architecture in Detail Elements" karya "Oscar Riera Ojeda, Mark Pasnik, Photography by Pau" Elements is the second volume in the Architecture in Detail series, which presents a collection of new projects in which the designer's ideas are evident in the minor moments of space, such as the curve of a handrail, the profile of a cabinet, the form and texture of a wall. The images feature staircases to doors and windows, all used to shape a broad variety of residential, commercial, and institutional environments. The details often challenge our perceptions of elemental form, in some cases creating fanciful hybrids of many elements in one. All are records of the enormous conceptual presence a detail can hold as well as its power to infuse architecture with effects of poetry, delicacy, tension, and surprise.
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Pengarang "Oscar Riera Ojeda, Mark Pasnik, Photography by Pau"