Minggu, 04 Januari 2009

Figure Templates for Fashion Illustration Over 150 Templates fo karya Patrick John Ireland

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"Figure Templates for Fashion Illustration Over 150 Templates fo" karya "Patrick John Ireland" If you are full of ideas for fashion design but not confident when it comes to drawing figures it can be difficult to present your concepts on paper. This book provides the answer with a wide range of figure templates: figures in movement, figures from a variety of angles, full-length poses, three-quarter length poses, back views and front-on poses for men, women and children. The figures may be copied or photocopied and enlarged from the book or used as a guide to develop your own poses. There are tips on improving your fashion illustration skills plus sections on anatomy, figure proportions, fashion figure proportions and suitable art materials.

Figure Templates for Fashion Illustration is a useful tool, not only for fashion students but also students without an art background on multi-disciplinary courses, as well as those who simply want to improve their basic drawing skills.

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HARGA Rp. 175. 000,-
Pengarang "Patrick John Ireland"