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" HSIA CALENDER 1924-2024 " Are you able to erect your personal Four Pillars of Destiny from your birth data, harness your strengths as well as overcome your weaknesses in order to achieve all your goals? Do you know which of these elements you belong to
Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal orWater? For the first time, the Hsia Calendar is now available in English to guide you into the world of Feng Shui. Complete with symbols, it is
easy to use yet comprehensive. This book by Vincent Koh will enable you to live in harmony with your environment and avert disaster. In addition, the simplified Flying Star Charts used in the author`s fengshui practice will enable you to discover the various auspicious
directions of your home. This guide is an essential tool for all those who wish to enter the
world of Feng Shui.
Resensi Buku HSIA CALENDER 1924-2024 dicopy dari GramediaOnline.Com Jika Anda tertarik dengan buku " HSIA CALENDER 1924-2024 " silakan membeli di toko buku resmi terdekat, beli yg original ya jgn yg bajakan apalagi ngopi HSIA CALENDER 1924-2024
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ISBN 9789812290779, penerbit An Asiapac Publication, pengarang "VINCENT KOH", bahasa ENGLISH, ukuran 19.5 x 25 senti meter, berat 0.60 kilo gram jumlah halaman 287 hal harga Rp 170.200,00