Minggu, 24 Agustus 2008


Kalatog Buku Online

" JAKARTA GOOD FOOD GUIDE 2008-2009 " A new take on food Writing,The Jakarta Good Food Guide-Which is listed in the Indonesian collection of word class Publications pf the National Library Of Australia and the Editorial Merit Winner of the HOW Magazine USA`s I0 th Graphic Design Award -Is Indonesia`s First Independent Good Food Guide aimed at mapping Jakarta`s Culinary scene in a way that recreatws the sensory and makes Words taste.


-Of the Republic of Indonesia
-The JGFG Philosophy
-The Tale Of Two Cities
-How To Read this Guide
*International Cuisines
*Special Categories
*Indonesia Cuisine

Resensi Buku JAKARTA GOOD FOOD GUIDE 2008-2009 dicopy dari AndiPublisher.Com Jika Anda tertarik dengan buku " JAKARTA GOOD FOOD GUIDE 2008-2009 " silakan membeli di toko buku resmi terdekat, beli yg original ya jgn yg bajakan apalagi ngopi JAKARTA GOOD FOOD GUIDE 2008-2009 kalo dana gak cukup mending pinjem diperpustakaan buku JAKARTA GOOD FOOD GUIDE 2008-2009

ISBN 9789799708335, penerbit ETNOBOOKS, pengarang "LAKSMI PAMUNTJAK", bahasa Indonesia, ukuran 15 x 19.5 senti meter, berat 1.00 kilo gram jumlah halaman 611 hal harga Rp 220.000,00