Selasa, 15 September 2009

Islam in the Indonesian World An Account of Institutional Formation karya Azyumardi Azra

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"Islam in the Indonesian World An Account of Institutional Formation" karya "Azyumardi Azra" The early history of Islam in Indonesian world is bewilderingly complex, not only in the context of the spread of Islam in the area, but also in the terms of its institutional formation.

This book, therefore, discusses such themes as the early introduction of Islam to the Indonesian archipelago, the development of Islamic learning, educational, and legal institutions. Not least important, the book also reveals the religious, intellectual and political relations between Islam in the archipelago with that of the Arabian world

"Professor Azyumardi Azra is a brilliant authority in Islam in Indonesia. No one interested in Indonesian Islam can afford to be without this book. "

—Professor Dr. M. C. Ricklefs

Department of History National University of Singapore

Author of acclaimed book, A History of Modern Indonesia since c. 1200

"This well researched book should be a required reading for anyone who would like to comprehend the dynamic of Islam in Indonesian and in Southeast asia as a whole. "

—Professor DR. Taufik Abdullah

Sejarahwan and member of Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

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